Over the past twenty five years City Contractors has completed over $250 million dollars worth of water main, fire main and fittings throughout the Auckland region. The following are our areas of expertise:
- Watermain renewals particularly in difficult areas or through services - Pressure reducing valves and zone isolations - Rising mains - Transmission pipelines or bulk feeder mains - Connections of all types from 50mm to 450mm - Under Pressure Tapping - Network Upgrades and Renewals |

City Contractors work with all leading Fire Contractors and install new ring mains, supplies to new and existing building and upgrading of existing external fire systems.
These include
- new fire mains from public mains to buildings
- new ring main systems in schools, prisons, retirement villages
- hydrant sprinkler systems (in-ground)
- back flow prevention units
- strainers and reflux valves
- magflow and conventional meters
- in-ground installations with pedestrian or road strength pits
- above ground installations with stainless steel cages
- fully managed connection application process with Watercare
These include
- new fire mains from public mains to buildings
- new ring main systems in schools, prisons, retirement villages
- hydrant sprinkler systems (in-ground)
- back flow prevention units
- strainers and reflux valves
- magflow and conventional meters
- in-ground installations with pedestrian or road strength pits
- above ground installations with stainless steel cages
- fully managed connection application process with Watercare